When it’s time to enroll your child in their very first day care, researching all of the local facilities and their level of care can be stressful. When you enroll your child in a Reggio Emilia daycare in Jacksonville, FL, you’ll be allowing them the freedom to choose how they want to learn and be encouraged to pursue the areas they excel at the most.
With a focus more on personal development and less on exams, a child’s early education experience can be much more rewarding for the long-term. Being educated in this way allows for children to understand their creativity and feel comfortable expressing it, allowing them to be better writers, speakers, and artists. The Reggio Emilia approach can also positively impact social skills and behavior. In some studies, many children educated under this method have been more likely to interact in a positive way with other children.
At Bartram Academy, we have a wonderful staff full of teachers dedicated to helping your child succeed and meet key developmental stages in their early life. We encourage cooperative play both in the classroom and outside on the playground by allowing the children to guide their daily activities. If you’re interested in enrolling your child in our daycare in Jacksonville, FL, contact us today at (904) 419-7563.