At our eco-friendly daycare, we are committed to using only the best natural products available on the market. One primary concern is the use of plastics. Though often plastic can be unavoidable, we do our best to use eco-healthy products in our facility.
When purchasing or using plastic materials, certain plastics can hurt your health. With many children’s toys being made of plastic, it is more important than ever that we recognize healthy and unhealthy materials. We recommend staying away from plastics that contain the following recycling codes:
- 3 (PVC)
- 6 (PS)
- 7 (Other)
It is also recommended to use BPA-free plastics, especially when purchasing sippy cups and bottles. BPA-free products are much safer to use than products that do contain the chemical. We also recommend not using plastic containers to heat food in the microwave. Everything is about convenience these days, but reheating your food in plastic allows those chemicals to seep into what you are eating.
At Bartram Academy, we are committed to creating a safe and eco-friendly environment for children to grow up and learn in. We teach them how to preserve the earth today and in the future by incorporating eco-friendly practices into our lessons and daily routines. To learn more about how we practice sustainability in childcare, contact us today at (904) 419-7563.