Three Eco-Friendly Activities for Your Child this Summer

Two preschool age children watching an elephant at the zooEven the best preschools in St Johns County cannot keep your child engaged all year round. During the crucial summer months, kids need responsible activities that continue to encourage both education and environmental consciousness. Here are three ideas to keep the fun flowing and build a strong foundation for future success–both in academics and ecologically friendly behavior:

Nature Walks–Florida’s unique environment offers a wealth of trails to choose from. Whether you head to the local park or a nature preserve, finding an easy walk to make with your child helps you both appreciate the beauty found in a flourishing ecosystem. Also, you get in some fun, healthy exercise.

Zoo/Conservation Center Tours–Trade out the tablet computer for a trip to your nearest ethical animal habitat. This activity option allows you to support conservation and wildlife protection efforts and give your child a chance to see some of the world’s most impressive animals in real life.

Cultivation–Help your child flourish by growing together. Whether it is a home garden or a new tree in the yard, you can teach the importance of purposeful cultivation early while building an understanding of fundamental life sciences, like plant biology and ecology, giving your young one a head start when school starts.

Bartram Academy is committed to your child’s enrichment during school and on the off-season. Reach out to our team today by calling (904) 419-7563 with any questions or concerns.